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Archive for January, 2008

Organic shop?! The Friars’ Vegetable Garden!

posted by admin in Curiosity, Food

Orto Santa Croce Gerusalemme

In Rome there are more than 2000 holiday apartments and bed and breakfast … so a lot of tourists have a kitchen and need to buy food and vegetables!

The are a lot of Supermarket and in Campo De’ Fiori there is the most famous market for fruit and vegetables… could be ok, but…

…If you are looking for a special place you have to go to the ‘Orto of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme’ (Vegetables garden of Basilica of Santa Croce), you can buy directly from the Friars… the most organic vegetables in Rome!

The vegetable shop is in Piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.

Opening hours for the sale to the public: :

Tuesday: from 16 to 18
Wednesday: 16 to 18
Friday: from 16 to 18
Saturday: from 10 to 12
Address: Piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (right of the Basilica)Further information on the website of the Basilica:

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Pizza e pizzerie di Roma… La romana classica.The best Pizzerias. Traditional Roman style.

posted by admin in Food, General, Restaurants


Rome is one of the capitals of pizza, and there is a Roman style!
True ‘Roman’ is thin or very thin  without borders and well cooked…. Very different from that proposed by the Neapolitan tradition and with soft edges well in relief.
Only in Rome you can taste the real Roman pizza always cooked in a wood oven!

Roman Pizza Classic
The real best addresses in town:

Montecarlo – Vicolo Savelli 13 (Navona) Via Alessandria, 106 (Porta Pia)
One of the best pizza in Rome…. Wooden tables side by side….  You can try the good traditional roman pastas  (Cacio e Pepe, Matriciana, Gricia…) and fried plates (Supplì, fiori di zucca…). Also open for lunch.

Ai Marmi  (alias Panattoni… the alias obitorio) – Viale Trastevere 53 (Trastevere)
If at Montecarlo there isn’t  privacy, at Marmi people eats one above the other! If  you what  a romantic dinner is not the place for you.
If you want the best pizza in Rome come here… marble tables that have at least 50 years ( ‘For the Marbles’… is known by the name of obitory precisely!), No tablecloth, waiters quickly, glasses of the century (and sees)…. Very good food, reasonable prices. There is always a line, but usually it is very fast.

Giacomelli – Via E. Faà Bruno 25 (Mazzini Meadows)
A well-known historical pizzeria. All of excellent quality and ability to choose the extent of pizza between small, medium and large…. Also excellent pastas. If you are close to Mazzini area it is  probably your best choice.

Baffetto – Via del Governo Vecchio 114 (Navona)
Excellent pizzera very popular among tourists who prefer to Montecarlo. The two pizzerias  are very similar to each other and perhaps there is a relationship between the owners… both excellent.

Nuovo Mondo – Via Amerigo Vespucci 15 (Testaccio)
Of all perhaps is the least famous pizzeria… a unique… similar to Marmi but possibly even more ugly! They eat less than 15 euros, forget the tablecloth… the classic place where once the account were writing on the table.

Remo – Piazza Santa Maria Liberatrice 44 (Testaccio)
Other address in Testaccio  loved by tourists. More or less a brother of Montecarlo and Nuovo mondo … an excellent pizza at reasonable prices.

Berninetta-Via P. Cavallini 14 (Piazza Cavour)
A good address if you are close to  Piazza Cavour, for an audience that wants a formal service.

Giggetto – Il Re della Pizza – Via Alessandria 43 (Porta Pia)
One of the most famous pizza in Rome. A classic good service.
The pizza is very good, without being better than Montecarlo (just 200 mt in Via Alessandria), prices are a little bit expansive and the environment is decidedly more formal. The most crowded pizzeria in the area.

L’Isola della Pizza- Via degli Scipioni 45 (St. Peter)
It is not known as the best pizza in Rome… because it is not! But  our  list haven’t an address close to Vatican.
L’Isola is a very good and  fun pizzeria! When you arrive you will receive a lot of  starters of all types… Pizza? It also is very good!

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Ecco perchè mettere on line le proprie fotoWhy use Online Photo Sharing is better

posted by admin in Photos

CommonCraft has created an effective video in which explains the advantages of sharing photos online.
Very often without thinking about leaving the only available copy of our cherished photos in our computer, ignoring the fact that a disk can break and sometimes it is impossible to recover the data.

Last June my laptop was stolen,  I lost all the pictures of the last 4 or 5 holidays, including Santo Domingo and New York.

It ‘been so sad to say that my photos of our vacation… no longer existed, especially to her… she loves, and asked me, the old classic paper photo album!
… I had to promise that we would be back soon to New York to shoot again the photos!
Whether New York or Rome is… the advice is to save your photos online using services like Flickr 

Roma Romantica, Ponte Milvio ed i lucchetti dell’amoreRomantic Rome, Ponte Milvio and the locks of love

posted by admin in Romantic Rome

locks of love - luchetti dell’amore

In the novel of F. Moccia ‘I want you’ (2006), now a real teen cult, the two protagonists promise eternal love closing a lock on third streetlight Ponte Milvio and launching the key in river Tiber.
The ritual has become one of the new symbols of the city.
The padlocks of love became hundreds, then thousands, were even stolen! Fortunately the police managed to regain the love of Rome and put padlocks on the streetlight.
Unfortunately the streetlight one day fell apart because locks weighed too much!
The mayor sorry for it has established chains of love instead of the lamp to give definitive accommodation to padlocks.

For couples seeking romantic Rome… don’t miss Ponte Milvio and the locks of love! (Remember to bring your lock!).

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Some nice addresses close to Ponte Milvio:

— ‘The Gianfornaio’ (Piazzale Ponte Milvio, 35). Bread, pizza, cakes, sandwiches… one of the best bakeries in Rome, and also one of the most expensive! Not to be missed.

Daruma Sushi (Via Flaminia 464 Old / b). It ‘a shop where sushi take away trays of sushi are ready to be taken away and perhaps enjoy sitting in Ponte Milvio. One of the best sushi in town, to deliver an address across Rome.

— Pastry Mondi (Via Flaminia Old 468). Famous bar, pastry and ice cream, attended by Rome VIP. Excellent.

Podcast e Turismo… è solo l’inizio!

posted by admin in General

i pod

Sempre più di frequente ci si imbatte in turisti che girano la città con il naso all’insù, con le cuffiette alle orecchie tenendo fra le mani il loro ipod o un palm di ultima generazione
dove hanno preventivamente scaricato i migliori podcast turistici sulla città.

In rete ormai sono disponibili molte utili audio guide turistiche di Roma, solitamente scaricabili anche in un comune (ma recente) telefono cellulare.

Fra le tante scelte a pagamento… segnaliamo una buona risorsa gratuita:

Guide di Roma – e Mercedes-Benz
(Colosseo, Pantheon, Circo Massimo, Fontana d i Trevi, Bocca della Verità – disponibili in Italiano, Inglese e Spagnolo)

Ormai l’evoluzione tecnologica del telefono cellulare è arrivata ad un punto in cui su questi dispositivi è possibile scaricare di tutto, dalle mappe della città ai migliori indirizzi di ristoranti scovati in rete, già ora si trovano modelli che integrano il navigatore GPS e la possibilità di connettersi alle reti internet Wi-Fi (quelle senza fili per intenderci), senza dimenticare la possibilità di scattare foto e fare video di buona qualità.

A Roma è attualmente possibile connettersi alla Rete pubblica Wi-Fi nel parco di Villa Borghese e in molti altri posizioni del centro storico (la mappa degli Hot Spot).

More and more frequently encounters tourists who visit the city using Ipod and mobile phone support where they previously downloaded the best podcast tour of the city.

In internet are now available lots of useful audio tour guides of Rome, usually downloadable in a common (but recent) mobile phones.

Among the many choices fee … Recommend a good resource for free:

Guide di Roma – e Mercedes-Benz
Colosseum, Pantheon, Circo Massimo, Fontana di Trevi, Mouth of Truth – available in Italian, English and Spanish)

Now the technological evolution of the mobile phones came to a point where these devices can download everything from maps of the city’s best restaurants addresses found on the net, there are models that integrate GPS navigation and the ability to connect to networks Wi-Fi (wireless ones for instance), not to mention the opportunity to take pictures and make videos of good quality.

In Rome is now possible to connect to the network public Wi-Fi in the park of Villa Borghese and in many other positions of the city centre (Hot Spot Map).

Dal rosso Trevi alla quadricromia…From Trevi Red to four color…

posted by admin in General

Graziano Cecchini, autore della ormai nota opera d’arte futurista ‘La Fontana di Trevi in Rosso’, si ripropone con Trinità dei Monti nell’opera che potremmo chiamare ‘Piazza di Spagna… che palle’, ieri infatti ha liberato circa mezzo milione di palline colorante giù per la più famosa scalinata di Roma.
Graziano Cecchini, author of the popular work of art futurist ‘The Fountain of Trevi in Red’, again with Trinità dei Monti in which we could call ‘Square Spain … That balls’, yesterday it has released nearly half a million balls dye down to the most famous Spanish Steps in Rome.


Cecchini prima di seguire gli agenti di polizia per gli accertamenti di rito trova il tempo di spiegare alla stampa, tempestivamente accorsa, le ragioni della sua opera d’arte (vaghe denuncie sociali) ed i suoi ringraziamenti allo sponsor che ha investito 20000 euro in questa operazione… inoltre promette che presto visiterà Parigi!
Divertiti i passanti sopratutto i bambini, meno gli spazzini che hanno dovuto pulire tutto…

Cecchini first to follow the police officers for the findings of ritual takes time to explain to the press, promptly come, the reasons for its artwork (vague complaints social) and his thanks to the sponsors who invested in this 20000 euro operation … Also promises that soon will visit Paris!
Enjoy passers especially children, minus sweepers who have had to clean everything …


Rimane tutto il dubbio sulla legittimità di queste incursioni ‘Futuriste’, anche se bisogna riconoscere queste palline hanno colorato una roma grigia e piovosa regalando un sorriso a tanti passanti, se poi questa è arte non lo sappiamo…

It remains throughout the doubt on the legality of these raids’ Futuriste ‘, although we must recognize these balls have a roma colored gray and rainy giving a smile to many passers. Is this art?


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