
June 19th, 2012 posted by admin

Portaportese, the protagonist of lots of songs and movies of Roman culture, is the largest and most famous Sunday market in Rome. It extends from Via Via Ippolito Nievo and Via Portuense, reaching up to Viale Trastevere and of course the square from which it takes its name, Piazza di Porta Portese.

Opens very early in the morning, around 6:00 a.m. and closes at around 14:00.
There you can find anything, new and used clothing and shoes, sandwiches, false brands, old bicycles, motorcycle helmets, suitcases, bags, home accessories, plants, records, antiques, furniture, records, CD , umbrellas,key chains, toys, cosmetics and everything that comes to your mind.
When I arrived I was convinced not to buy anything and I went away with loads of envelopes. It is impossible to resist a pair of shoes or jeans at 10 euros. The seller of jeans has also given me  the recipe for a special sauce while I was trying his jeans on. This is Portaportese: they  call you, then they cheat you. If you get hungry they insult you, and finally, you become friend. My advice: go very early or very late, at peak  hour yourisk of having difficulty walking among beggars, vendors, tourists and crowds. Beware of your wallets: Portaportese is a heaven for pickpockets.